Paulina Gretzky
Makeup+Headshots for Paulina Gretzky - Paulina requested light makeup and headshots... easy enough for this beauty! She was super fun to work with, so we threw in a few fun shots too! More to come soon!
Paulina Gretzky
Paulina Gretzky account - Paulina Gretzky account, Paulina Gretzky closes Twitter account, Hockey legend Wayne Gretzky's daughter, Paulina Gretzky, has shut down her Twitter page. Paulina, 22, apparently kept posting pictures of her partying and wearing revealing clothing. She became famous after she sang at the 2003 Heritage Classic outdoor game.
Paulina Gretzky
Like Mother, Like Daughter: Janet and Paulina Gretzky - Paulina Gretzky (daughter of The Great One himself, Wayne) made the news this week. Seems the 22-year old aspiring actress/model/singer (Hey, as long as you're aspiring, you might as well be a triple-threat, right?) posted too many racy photos on Twitter and (depending on who you want to believe) her account was either temporarily shut down by Twitter administrators, or by Paulina herself -- reportedly, at the request of her father.
Paulina Gretzky
Paulina Gretzky With Her Photo Shot On Twitter - The daughter of unreal hockey player General Gretzky became famous for placard racy pictures on her Cheep statement over the late assemblage. Righteous after Thanksgiving, she notified her followers that she was taking a alter from Twitter, ostensibly because her dad told her to.
Paulina Gretzky
of paulina gretzky closes twitter feed. removes racy twitpics - Paulina Gretzky, the daughter of NHL lengend Wayne Gretzky, has closed her twitter account which contained a lot of provocative photos.
Paulina Gretzky
Paulina Gretzky Hot Chick of the Day - Today's hot chick is Paulina Gretzky. Paulina is an American model and pop singer. She is the eldest of Wayne Gretzky and Janet Jones's five children. Not sure how I've never known Gretzky popped out this babe. Paulina is hot and for some reason I dig the name too. Check out Gretzky's oldest girl and let me know what you think.
Paulina Gretzky
Paulina Gretzky Hot Pictures - Paulina Gretzky Hot Pictures - Wayne Gretzky's daughter tweets racy pics. Paulina Gretzky has her account shut down after posting scantily clad photos of herself. Did The Great One shut down Paulina Gretzky’s tantalizing Twitter? Paulina Gretzky, the 22-year-old daughter of hockey legend Wayne Gretzky, had dabbled in pop music and acting before finding her true digital media calling: Posting provocative photos on social media.
Paulina Gretzky
Six to Midnight : Gretzky's Daughter - I hate Gretzky, which makes oogling his daughter that much better.
Paulina Gretzky